Sunday, January 4, 2009

Genting Trip

As promise below is some of the pictures from Genting trip... I went to on Nov 22...
...Sandy can’t make it... due to food poisoning...
Too bad...

Anyway... I went with HP and KB...
Nice and relaxing trip...
Where we just walk around... enjoy the environment... shop... stop... and eat...
This trip... let me forget bout work, stress and everything...
But one thing... that i not happy about is KKB's snoring sound... so loud... so horrible... like a cow hit by a train!!! Or a dinosaur is so hungry for food!!! I try to shut the noise by moving on the bed...
The noise stop like 7 seconds and start again... at the end I need to use tissue to stuck in my ears... horrible!!!
Want to smack his big face...
HP, KB and their Luo Mai Kai (cantonese)

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