Thursday, September 17, 2009

after u... biatch

Nothing related to the title... haha

Just have some thought about the marital status again...
Do I really care whether I get attached or not...?
The answer is NO... hell no...
I'm OK when I'm single...
Better to be single instead meeting those freak / LOSER!!!

Ah BIA... the "ang mo's gf" (wakakaka, I'm so good @ it"
Told me... people need to meet a certain LOSER / freak quota before they meet the right one...
Mmm... Some sort agreed... some sort doesn't...
For example, some people... who met those freak... they are like... okay... just continue it... he might be the last one that like me... WTF...
I saw lots of example... not going to list it out...

Another thing that I need to learn is... n o no for fast food... fast fall in and fast to end...
Hahaaha... the instant noodles... dang off!!!

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