Sunday, July 7, 2019


跟一群好朋友聚會吃午餐。 當他們陸續抵達坐下來 突然之間 我看到了 歲月的痕跡。 一個個是孩子的 媽, 工作女性, 妻子。。。

我 心裡頭在想 如果可以重來, 他們 會想要現在的生活嗎?

我只能 告訴他們一定要照顧好自己。人靠衣裝 ,把自己打理好是一個 必須的行為。

Sunday, May 19, 2019


哪一個晚上, 我遇見了他。


大概有七八個人吧, 聽一聽英文歌 把酒言歡。

 三個桌子,然後兩桌在玩骰子。  我坐在他旁邊, 他教我怎麼玩。 有可能黃湯下肚, 他的手和我的手握在一起。 我的頭依靠在他的肩膀上。

久違的感覺,湧上心裡。  我想要戀愛, 我值得被愛。

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

2019 農曆正月十五


人類 一出世,是一個人。
看著朋友圈裡結婚的結婚 ,有孩子的有孩子。 他們快樂嗎? 我不曉得 ,因為是他們的人生。

如果你的快樂 是 建住在別人給予, 你永遠都不會快樂。

這個月 我開始了一系列的 活動。
想要為自己的 人生 注入多一點色彩。

Wednesday, August 2, 2017




Picture of me in Hallstatt.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Sweet love

Laughing at myself now.
I was down with sore throat + flu + mucus.... for the past 3 weeks
Missing the healthy version of me now... as I can’t smell anything since last week.

Woke up this morning and have some thoughts on the people that came in and left in my life...
I recalled the puppy love that I had before...

1st one - H
Can’t recall how I met H...
But the 1st date was a supper after my work in a mall.
H came over with an apple before my time off. Sweet.
Then fetch me to gurney for supper after that. With motorcycle.
1st kiss happen that night, silly me...

2nd one - O
Met in KL when I’m a college student back then
Very cute relationship with O.
Bring me out for food on and off. Reload my prepaid phone... phone call every night…
But no intimate action.

Sweet love ~

p/s: picture by me when I was in Hallstatt last year June. 

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Hello April

Lately, I fall in love with 80s & 90s song... Started to sing along and dance.... life is more colourful... with music.

Since the beginning of March, I do yoga twice a week and workout every Sunday. Treating myself a healthier lifestyle to ensure I’m edible... hahaha...

Job wise... feeling weird with this co. Till now no target yet and my role might change. Wondering should I start to look around? Or holding on? I strongly believe I’m always the lucky one. Good things come to me easily.

I have yet to plan any holiday this year. I want to explore new places but I still miss Japan (food) and Swiss (I’m a Bernese lol). If is Japan, I plan to go USJ for the Harry Potter theme park and Hokkaido. If is Swiss, I want to revisit Swiss Alps then follow by some countries nearby. Below is the picture I took during my visit at Schilthorn Mountain. 

Monday, January 9, 2017

started counting down for CNY

Chinese New Year is around the corner...

Home sick started even though I just came back from Penang. Every year around this time, any CNY song will make me want to tear a bit. LOL.

Back to those days, I can’t understand why people so drama during CNY. Those people study or work abroad want to go back home to celebrate. Until I’m in their shoe, CNY is meant to be with your family. Eat together, play and roll eyes together. Hahaha. I have started counting down today.

CNY aside, wanted to share about how some people annoyed me lately.
After a few years in SG, I can’t stand the joke or serious comment about how good Malaysian working in Singapore. Yes, the money is good when you spend in Malaysia. But I earn SGD and I spend SGD here in Singapore NOT MYR. Doink! And Singapore welcomes you to work here as well.

Another thing is, we as human what we had been through is different. Hence don’t assume everything that I go through is an easy way out. I never think about you have an easy life, because what you have went through might be tough / difficult. So cut the crap, like you know everything about me. Respect each other is the key of a successful friendship.

10pm, I shall go to bed. Night J